“Keep Stepping”

“Every Step You Take”

In July, 1969 Neil Armstrong climbed down the steps of the Apollo 11 and as he placed his left foot on our moon, he uttered the now famous quote, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”  The United States and NASA had now successfully sent an astronaut to the moon.  

How many of us at some point in our life journeys see small steps or taking ‘baby steps’ as something towards a greater achievement or do we sometimes see them as unnecessary, nerve wrecking, or frustrating parts of the process to obtain something we want or to reach our goal for larger or greater gain?  You know what I mean, we want to lose 15 pounds or the doctor tells you to change your lifestyle or ‘couch’ habit so you can lower your blood pressure and/or cholesterol but adding ‘exercise’ to your already busy schedule doesn’t look doable.  You may have envisioned yourself moving into the entrepreneur arena but you think, “how can I when my current job is so demanding” and my bills say, “pay me now”! This list can be endless.  

Know this my friends, let’s use a little math and do part-to-whole.  Small steps maybe walking 1/2 or 1 mile 2 days out of the week (1 day will at least get you moving), exercise may be 10 squats or 5 planks each morning or before bed.  Small steps may be that non-credit class you desire to take just to learn a new thing/skill or grow another form of income.  Small steps can be making time to read or listen to an audio book (brain food), if only for 10 minutes a day, that uplifts, inspires, or just a classic.  If you are feeling the pull or desire to do your own thing (entrepreneur) then by all means start your research, write it down, attend some free small business classes.  Yes these are only a few small steps, but just start stepping!   Below is a picture of a small step for me.  At the end of 2017, I made up in my mind to work towards improving my credit, increasing my networth and decreasing my debts.  Currently I’m a teacher, so no,  I don’t have a great figure income (Yet!)  However, to help me get motivated, I have jumped into the “Penny Challenge”, yes I typed it correctly, “Penny Challenge”.  I started Christmas Day with an end in mind of saving close to $700 by this year’s end.  Now some one may laugh at my small steps to work on my finances, but this is motivating and uplifting to me!  It works for me!  It’s what I can do without feeling down if I don’t have a large dollar amount to put in savings yet.  I wrote the scripture, “Faith without works is dead” (James 2:17 NKJV) to remind me that I have to put some works with my faith.  I created my affirmation statement and each day I add the designated amount of pennies to my “I Can”.  I’m sowing seeds for a greater harvest.

My penny challenge


Like a baby who is growing and developing into a toddler with small steps, weaving, and wobbling, not sure of what he/she is doing (after all this is a new thing he/she has never experienced in their first few months of life).  That baby even falls down (quite a bit), but yet he/she will get back up, sometimes with tears  and sometimes with jovial laughter as he/she begins to master and becomes steady in their steps.  Then one day, that baby’s small steps will eventually become that of a toddler moving, running, and jumping with confidence!

I leave this encouraging quote with you  that I saved from Pinterest.  Be Blessed, be encouraged, and take those small steps for the good.

Much Love to You,

From ThePenofJen

Small steps

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